GiveOUT Day 2020

Help us create Regional & Rural LGBTIQA+ Leaders for Change

GiveOUT Day is a national day of giving to the Australian LGBTIQ+ community. It’s goal is to support, promote and grow the capacity of LGBTIQ+ organisations, projects and events by creating a one-day national fundraising event and accessible platform for donations. A report by Give OUT and Our Community found that funding for LGBTIQ+ causes is significantly lower than the rest of the sector. You can read the report here.

We are excited to announce that The Equality Project is participating again this year. GiveOUT Day will be on Friday 16th October 2020.

The goal of our GiveOUT Day campaign is to provide our LGBTIQA+ rural and regional communities better access to our training and conference programs. We want to foster the training of emerging leaders and advocates in these communities by providing scholarships which ideally include funding for travel and accommodation.

Save the date and visit our campaign on the GiveOUT day website here. Help us spread the word!

GiveOUT Day logo

What’s the latest from The Equality Project?


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